Nisswa Women's Club
105 Years of Community Service

Other Activities
Members of the Nisswa Women's Club have formed several groups for members with
similar interests can get together in addition to the club's monthly meetings.
Existing and Active Groups:
1. Dining Group "Dining Divas": Meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:30 AM, dining at various restaurants in the Brainerd Lakes Area. Contact Jodi at 507-438-4435 to be added to the email list.
2. Happy Hour Group "Wine Not Lady": Meets on the fourth Thursday of each month from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at various restaurants and bars in the Brainerd Lakes Area. The location is announced each month. Contact Jan 506-438-9520 or Char 507-438-4174 to be added to the email list.
3. Service Group: Meets as needed. Contact Vicki S. 217-840-8088 or Beth 218-821-8326.
4. Soup Kitchen: Contact Stacy 320-905-9401.
5. NWC Outreach Group: Contact Ginny 218-234-6033, Claire 507-254-3080 or Vicki S. 217-840-8088.
6. Coffee and Conversation: Meets on first Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM at various coffee shops in the Brainerd Lakes Area. Contact Shawna 218-251-6946 to be added to the email list.
7. Card Sharks: - Meets once a month. Contact Marian 612-839-3596
Proposed Groups:
8. Bridge Group: Contact Karen 218-251-3166. Time and place to be decided.
9. Pickleball: Contact Ginny 218-234-6033.
10. Mahjongg: Contact Kathy 612-770-6592.
You can also send an email to info@nisswawomensclub.org to learn more about each group.